Why focus on to Myanmar?
- What kind of country is Myanmar?
- ・ Area: 680,000㎢ (1.8 times that of Japan)
・ Population: 54.05 million (2019)
・ Official language: Burmese (Myanmar)
・ Capital: Naypyidaw
・ Ethnic groups: Burmese (70%) 135 ethnic minorities
・ Religion: Buddhism (90%) Christianity, Islam
・ Industry: Agriculture, natural gas, manufacturing

Burmese national character
- Many Myanmar people are devout Theravada Buddhists, and they are mild and friendly.
We help each other on a daily basis, and according to Buddhist teachings, we are accumulating merit by improving good deeds, and it is thought that if we do bad deeds, we will return to ourselves. It's good.
- Burmese take seriously what is given
However, on the other hand, it may get tired quickly and may not proceed as planned, but the background may be the strength of aspiration to constantly introduce new things without wanting to maintain the status quo.
- The spirit of providing services that respect the other person and respect manners and courtesy
With a humble attitude, he treats you more than you. According to one survey, the number of times Myanmar people help people in a day is the second highest in the world, and it is said that it is a kind country.
Educational situation in Myanmar

■ Myanmar's compulsory education period is 5 years for elementary school (KG + 4 years)
■ KG is a period for those who will be 5 years old by the beginning of June of that year to enroll in one year of preschool education.
■ In Myanmar, "Grade system" is applied instead of grade XX

■ Myanmar's primary education is compulsory, but the school enrollment rate is about 80%.
■ The number of elementary schools is about twice that of Japan
■ The number of schools approved by ministries is limited, and there are many private schools and monasteries.
■ High school enrollment rate is as low as 12%

■ Myanmar has a "high school graduation certification exam" called the "Sedan exam"
■ "Sedan test" is a very important test for Myanmar people
■ If you fail the "Sedan Exam", you will be considered a junior high school graduate and it will be difficult to get a job at a domestic company.

■ The "Sedan Exam" consists of 6 subjects: English, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Burmese, and Biology, all of which are in English except Myanmar.
■ If you do not get 40 points or more out of 100 points in all subjects, you will be rejected.
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